Heather Martin facilitates 1/2 day spokesperson training workshops for groups of 2-12, which includes videotaped interview simulations, during which workshop participants are put “under the lights” and “in the hot seat” to practice their newly acqui…

Heather Martin facilitates 1/2 day spokesperson training workshops for groups of 2-12, which includes videotaped interview simulations, during which workshop participants are put “under the lights” and “in the hot seat” to practice their newly acquired skills.

Bluebird Communications will train your staff how to manage tough questions, build credibility with media, and mitigate the fallout of a crisis and so you stay in control of your company's brand and message.

Media Relations & Training

You never know when you may be confronted with a TV or video camera for a high-stakes interview. Knowing what to say, what to do, what to expect and how to remain in control of the conversation are critical to preparation. We support you every step of the way, from crafting your messaging strategy to being on-site during taping.